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A La Carte (June 25)


Today’s Kindle deals include the usual list of books from Crossway, plus a few other good selections.

(Yesterday on the blog: Letters to the Editor (Video Games, Christian Books, Prosperity Gospel, etc))

Context Matters: Valley of Dry Bones

“Context matters. If we learn to read the Bible for what it is—and not as a collection of independently assembled inspirational stories—we’ll discover that some of our most familiar passages don’t actually mean what we’ve always assumed.” The valley of dry bones is one of those.

Welcome to Blaine, the Town Amazon Prime Built

I enjoyed this glimpse of a border town. “Blaine isn’t just any small town: it sits right on the 49th parallel that divides the United States and Canada. As the only US border town located in the shadow of a major Canadian city, Blaine’s economy is uniquely dependent on the relationship between the two countries. It’s a position that also leaves the town vulnerable to the vagaries of e-commerce trends and exchange rates. That vulnerability has only been exacerbated by mounting tension between Washington, DC and Ottawa, an emerging trade war, and the looming threat of a boycott.”

What Is the Regulative Principle?

Derek Thomas clarifies: “Put simply, the regulative principle of worship states that the corporate worship of God is to be founded upon specific directions of Scripture. On the surface, it is difficult to see why anyone who values the authority of Scripture would find such a principle objectionable. Is not the whole of life itself to be lived according to the rule of Scripture? This is a principle dear to the hearts of all who call themselves biblical Christians. To suggest otherwise is to open the door to antinomianism and license.”

When the Content Police Came for the Babylon Bee

Adam Ford writes about the Bee’s issues with Facebook and why and how it matters. “We like to lull ourselves to sleep with the notion that Facebook and Google are controlled by some mindless, unbiased algorithm that would never do us wrong. But algorithms are programmed by people, and people have biases. Even if a legitimate attempt were made at impartiality, people cannot help but operate according to their biases. This is human nature. Our worldview informs our actions. Facebook’s and Google’s worldviews are very similar—they believe that Christianity and conservatism are not only untrue, but harmful.”

Feeding the Gods: Hundreds of Skulls Reveal Massive Scale of Human Sacrifice in Aztec Capital

“Human sacrifice occupied a particularly important place in Mesoamerica. Many of the region’s cultures, including the Maya and the Mexica, believed that human sacrifice nourished the gods. Without it, the sun would cease to rise and the world would end. And sacrificial victims earned a special, honored place in the afterlife.” Horrifying.

What 40-Year-Old David Platt Would Say to His 20-Year-Old Self

You can listen to or read this interview of David Platt and learn what wisdom he would share to his 20-year-old self.

May/June 2018 Issue Reformed Perspective

If you’re looking for some reading, you may wish to download the new issue of Reformed Perspective magazine.

Flashback: 7 Good Reasons To Stop Looking at Porn Right Now

If you have no sorrow for sin, if you have no real desire for victory, if time and again you recklessly choose your sin over your Savior, you need to ask yourself this: Do I love pornography enough to go to hell for it?

We don’t need more of Jesus, just less of self. We already have all of Jesus.

—Burk Parsons

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