A Stupid Promise To God – Have you ever made an unwise or flat-out stupid promise to God? Have you later worried about the consequence of breaking it? Brad Hambrick has some counsel for you.
Advice To Young Pastors – Earlier this year The Gospel Coalition ran a series offering advice to young pastors. Nate went through all the answers and found some interesting patterns.
Fearing the Impact – The New York Times: “Conservative religious schools all over the country forbid same-sex relationships, from dating to couples’ living in married-student housing, and they fear they will soon be forced to make a wrenching choice.
200 Million Per Day – Articles like this, which simply describes how the human male body can produce 200 million sperm per day, ought to make you marvel at the handiwork of God (and scoff at the sheer folly of evolution).
Preventing Gospel-Centered Fizzle Out – This reminds me why Erik Raymond is one of my go-to bloggers: “What the gospel-centered movement needs in order to persevere is a commitment to teaching people how to read, interpret and rightly apply their Bible.”
10 Things I Wish Everyone Knew About Southern Baptists – Russell Moore goes into top-ten mode.