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A La Carte (June 24)

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The Invisible Sin of Gluttony – “Gluttony is not that peckish sensation of wanting seconds when you haven’t had enough food to satisfy your hunger; it’s the sin of unrestrained overconsumption. Gluttony is thus the kissing cousin of drunkenness.” (This headline from yesterday seems relevant.)

Would You Pay a Bribe? – I have spoken to several missionaries about this issue. “If you’re like most westerners, you’ve never really had to think about it. You’ve probably never been asked for one. The temptation has never been there. It’s a non-issue.”

GoThereFor – GoThereFor seems to have trouble explaining what it is. But it is actually a very good resource for churches and individual Christians. It is worth investigating, especially now that it has re-launched.

Walking with Jesus Through His Word – This new book comes high commended by some trusted theologians. It, and a few other titles, are on sale for the week.

Homeschooling Concerns – I highlight this one because it is written by R.C. Sproul Jr. who has been (and is) a leading advocate of homeschooling. “Where there are people, there are sins to be concerned about, and that includes we who homeschool. Here are five things I believe are a current danger.”

When Leaders Fall, All Are Punished – “First, a word to leaders. Faithfulness, holiness, and purity are priorities and necessities for all believers in Jesus Christ, but especially for you.”


God’s will is what we would choose if we knew what God knows.

—Nancy Leigh DeMoss

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