Kindle – Did you know you don’t need a Kindle device to read Kindle books? You can do it on your computer as well. Check it out right here.
When Words Mean What They Don’t Mean – Here’s another interesting little article from Bill Mounce.
The Joy of Typing – You probably don’t need to read this entire article to get the point of it: There are times when typing beats writing, and times when writing beats typing. Know when to use each (and teach your kids to do both!).
Adoption Misconceptions – Here are some common misconceptions about adoption and adoptive couples.
Doctor. – Here’s the story behind a recent viral photograph.
Bad Reasons to Switch – Eric McKiddie gives you some bad reasons to make the switch to expository preaching. And one good one.
Clean Water to the World – I love stories like this one: of an amazing invention that could just make a huge difference to millions of people.