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A La Carte (June 23)


Today’s Kindle deals include just a few titles. It has been a slow couple of days. If you’re really hurting for something to read, why not try the May/June issue of Reformed Perspective which is free to read in PDF format.

(Yesterday on the blog: Sometimes It’s Best To Express Your Wisdom in Silence)

One New Notification: Pick up a Good Book!

This is always good counsel. “May I suggest a simple yet soul-transforming idea? Pick up a book. Pick up an old book. Pick up a good book. Handle it, smell it, bend it, dog-ear it. And read it! Immerse yourself in it. Put your smartphone in another room in the house. Set the ringer on high in case you get an important phone call. But put your notification alerts on silent. And spend some time “disconnected” from the chaos that is otherwise filling our hearts and minds these days.”

Transgenderism: J K Rowling And The Transgender Furore – 5 Lessons For Evangelicals Engaging Our Culture

Here’s some more unpacking of the controversy surround J.K. Rowling and what Christians can learn from it. (On a somewhat similar note, see Carl Trueman’s The Road to Bostock and this thought-provoking quote: “The shock and awe surrounding the Bostock ruling perhaps indicates that the old task of apologetics is now being oddly reversed. The pressing pastoral need of the hour for the church is not to explain the faith to the world but rather first to explain the world to the faithful.”)

The Only Topic More Controversial Than Religion or Politics

“Not everything in The Coddling [of the American Mind] has aged equally well, but the idea that parenting is at the root of much of our political and cultural dysfunction is more convincing than ever. As long as I’ve tried to understand callout culture in terms of politics or worldview, I’ve run into the same logical conundrum: How can people who believe their opponents should be destroyed not see how this belief could equally apply to them?”

An Open Letter to Daughters on Father’s Day

I guess this is a couple of days late, but it’s still a good read. “There is nothing like recent stay-at-home orders to force you to reexamine things, and, with Father’s Day coming up, you may be thinking about men in your life and fatherhood in general. If you have ached to see your dad for years or growing weeks, you may realize how great fathers can be. Or maybe it’s been years since your father was in your life and you wonder if anything is missing after all. Whether your own home has felt too full or too empty, our heavenly Father has good news and fatherly gifts in store for you.”

This Is Why They Throw Puppies Into the Cheetah Enclosures! (Video)

This might be a fun one to watch with the kids.

Helping Paul and Trophimus: Doing Life With One Another

I enjoyed this reflection on caring for those who have returned to church and those who have not. “Our Pauls may be heading back into mission fields, joining political campaigns, or returning to classrooms. Trophimuses may be watching services from home but fully engaged in the life of the Body, or may be among those who had always been on the periphery of church and still need stronger contact with God’s people. What can both the Paul’s and the Trophimuses of our congregations do to remain connected—even unified—as weeks turn into months apart?”

Why Is It Impossible for Christians to Lose Their Salvation? (Video)

There’s a couple of good lines and a lot of good theology in this brief video with John MacArthur.

Flashback: Why Making Decisions Is So Hard

We don’t need to know the future when we know the one who holds the future. God does not want us to put our hope in a future outcome, but in him.

With one ear you need to be absolutely tuned in with the heart and soul of the person you’re tending to. The other ear must be tuned to God’s own word.

—Harold Senkbeil

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