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A La Carte (June 20)

Today’s Kindle deals do not include the most exciting list of titles I’ve ever dug up, but there may still be a book or two to catch your eye.

Do More Better, my book on productivity, is about to release a new Student Edition. We’re asking people to helps us choose a cover. Vote here. Also, if you’re a representative of a Christian college or high school, we’d love to talk to you. Cover and content customizations are available in some cases.

Is the ESV Literal and the NIV Gender Neutral?

Bill Mounce nicely shows how “literal” isn’t a helpful word when it comes to Bible translations. That’s true even when it comes to debates on gender.

Why Refusing to Resolve Conflict Hinders Prayer

“Jesus considers conflict resolution among believers a higher priority than our worship of God himself! He tells us plainly that it is better to interrupt or postpone our worship than to engage in it under the wrong conditions.”

The Demise of Expository Preaching

This article may be a stretch of Sam Storms’ “10 Things” format, but it’s a good look at why expository preaching has fallen out of favor.

9Marks Journal

The summer edition of the always-excellent 9Marks journal has been released. It looks at church mergers and plants and is free to read online or download in PDF format.

The New Human Rights

People have been asking me about Canada’s new bill C-16. This article tells why it’s a terrible, dangerous piece of legislation. “Freedom from interference is so 20th century. Modern human rights entitle. We are in the middle of a culture war, and human rights have become a weapon to normalize social justice values and to delegitimize competing beliefs. These rights are applied against other people to limit their liberties.”

Southern Baptists and the Alt-Right

You’ve undoubtedly heard something about the SBC and their resolution on the Alt-Right. Nathan Finn gives an explanation and a bit of an insider’s perspective.

Will Amazon Pay $6,000 per Slack User

I’m a daily user of Slack and a fairly regular shopper at Amazon, so I enjoyed this analysis of the rumors that Amazon is looking to buy Slack.

Flashback: I Forbid You To Say These Things at My Funeral

Here are a few things I sincerely hope no one will say about me at my funeral or any time thereafter. In fact, I hereby forbid it.

We will not wake up ten years from now and find we have passively taken on the character of God.

—Jen Wilkin

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