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A La Carte (June 2)


Good morning. The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ be with you.

This week at Westminster Books, you’ll find the excellent Short Studies series from Crossway on sale. (Short studies on systematic theology and on biblical theology.)

Why Pronouns Matter…a Lot

Greg Koukl explains why pronouns matter an awful lot. “Here is what is at stake with those simple little words. We are being besieged by a worldview that is completely foreign to Jesus’ view of reality. According to this view, reality is not ‘out there’ in God’s world, but ‘in here’ in the internal world of feelings and personal beliefs.”

What Does Ongoing Sin Say About Me?

“One of the most common questions a Christian can ask is also one of the most troubling: What does my ongoing sin say about me?” Scott Hubbard answers the question.

Jen Hatmaker and Jesus

Anne Kennedy looks at a Jen Hatmaker Facebook post and then reflects on the nature of the church.

Looking For Help With Cross-Cultural Church Planting?

If you are looking to planting churches among the remaining unreached people groups, consider Radius International to help you or your church with that. Radius International offers pre-field mission training for workers headed to plant churches among the unreached language groups. (Sponsored Link)

Psalm 46 (Lord of Hosts) (Video)

This is a beautiful rendition of Psalm 46 by Shane & Shane and a couple of choirs.

The Cost of Diversity

Peter Mead: “It is such a wonderful thing to look around a church and see the diversity of people that make up the body of Christ. People from different backgrounds, with different stories. Some seem to be likely participants in a church; others seem most unlikely!”

Why There are Now So Many Shortages (It’s Not COVID)

This really interesting video explains why there are so many shortages out there now.

John Blanchard (1932-2021)

Author John Blanchard has gone to glory. Here is a brief remembrance of him. “In March, aged 88, Mr Blanchard told the story of his life and ministry in a recording entitled Before they leave the stage. He was humble, sharp, precise, concise and godly in all his responses. This quote summed him up, ‘As much as I can, as well as I can, for as long as I can.’ His overwhelming burden was that the Lord would raise up a new generation of young people willing to be called into full-time Christian service.”

Flashback: A 93-Million-Mile Love

As whole congregations love other whole congregations, we will be proving that the love within our churches is too strong to contain, too intense to remain within its four walls.

If spirituality is not a particular priority in the balanced diet of a family, we cannot expect our children to gravitate toward spiritual values for sustenance as they begin to grow and reach out to feed themselves.

—Alistair Begg

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