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A La Carte (June 17)

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Good morning. Grace and peace to you.

Today’s Kindle deals include Paul Tripp’s Sunday Matters and David Mathis’ Habits of Grace—both excellent books.

(Yesterday on the blog: The Glorious End without the Difficult Means)

How Can the Command to “Honour Your Father” Apply to Good and Bad Fathers Alike?

George Sinclair looks at an important biblical command and considers how it can apply to good fathers and bad fathers alike.

Don’t Give Up Dad

Also on the subject of dads, Greg Lucas tells about a time he was tempted to give up. “My tiny world as a father was about to grow much bigger than I could have ever imagined, and much deeper than I could have ever dreamed. Like a skilled surgeon, God slowly and mercifully cut away all my superficial expectations of earthly fatherhood and replaced them with images of an eternal heavenly Father. Those self-encouraging words ‘Don’t give up dad’ were replaced by His divine promise of, ‘I will never give you up.’”

How I Respond to Pride Month

Alan Shlemon: “June is when many companies celebrate ‘Pride Month.’ I’m often asked how I respond to stores that celebrate and/or promote homosexuality and transgenderism. Since I routinely navigate these situations, I’m happy to share my approach. Here’s what I do.”

5 Myths About the Pro-Life Movement

Scott Klusendorf describes 5 myths about the pro-life movement.

A Redemptive Counseling Perspective on the History of Biblical Counseling

Brad Hambrick is offering a free seminary that may appeal to those who have heard about the recent discussions/disagreements in the world of Christian counseling and are wondering what they are all about. “It is for the person who is confused or discouraged by why recent debates and controversies emerged; It is for the person who wants to understand the context for recent debates and controversies; It is for the person who got excited about utilizing the Bible to help and care for people in the church and now feel forced unnecessarily to ‘pick a team.’”

How Do I Know If I’m One of the Elect?

Andy Naselli answers a very common question about election.

    Flashback: Love Is Not Heavy-Handed

    When Jesus tells how to restore relationships, he has laid a table of tenderness. He has established a context of gentleness. 

    “A sermon is not over when the minister says “Amen” Rather that is when the true sermon begins.”

    —Joel Beeke

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