After the Reformation – The Reformation had a significant impact on the development of education in Scotland. It’s a very interesting bit of history.
Sabbath Elevator – I find the existing of Sabbath elevators absolutely fascinating.
Letters from Dad – This is a sweet bit of writing from Richard Phillips.
My Dad, Your Father – Wendy Alsup: “Father’s Day can be tricky. I have many sweet beautiful friends who were utterly failed by their fathers. These friends struggle to know their heavenly Father. It’s natural to cast onto our heavenly Father the characteristics of our fallen earthly fathers.”
Man Enough – Are you man enough to be yourself with other men? That’s the question at the heart of this article.
Agents of Grace – Be sure to read this one: “We took our son to his annual dentist appointment a few days back. Not really exciting or extraordinary news in the schedule of a typical family. Then again, nothing is typical for our tribe.”