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A La Carte (June 15)


May the Lord be with you and bless you today.

I had been quite a slow week for Kindle deals, but I did find at least one good one for today.

If “Representation” is the Issue, Where Are Pixar’s Religious Characters?

Now that’s an interesting question, isn’t it?

Tasteless Graceless Gervais

This is an interesting take on comedians like Ricky Gervais who mock things we find appalling. We should think seriously about allying too closely with “the enemy of my enemy.”

Free audiobook –The Possibilities of Prayer by E.M. Bounds from ONE Audiobooks

ONE Audiobooks is giving away a 2nd free Audiobook download to Challies readers! In The Possibilities of Prayer, E.M. Bounds encourages Christians to pray big and to pray often. Focusing on the unlimited power that comes from prayer, Bounds emphasizes the importance of continuous and sincere prayer. ONE offers great everyday pricing on Christian audiobooks and access to a FREE audiobook each month. (Sponsored Link)

The Unforgivable Sin

I get more questions about the unforgivable sin than just about any other topic. Reformation21 has a helpful take on it.

When You’re Afraid to Take Communion

“I am embarrassed to admit this, but for many years I was hesitant and sometimes outright afraid to take communion. But I thought sharing my experience might help some who have wrestled with the same thing. If you’ve never had troubles with this issue yourself, you might know someone who does.” Barbara is not alone.


“Fragments of divided hearts scatter. In the winds of social media. Bits and pieces of pride. Rebellion. Hate. Anger. And the very avenues that can draw people together, turn and twist. Break trust. Splinter relationships.”

Brands Taking Stands

Chris Martin writes about “The Current Thing” and all the companies rushing to take a stand on it.

Flashback: 10 Sure Marks of Humility

A sinful, arrogant person is too high to stoop down to take a reproof, but a godly person loves and honors the one who reproves him.

There is more grandeur in five minutes of self-renunciation than in a whole lifetime of self-interest and self-seeking.

—J.R. Miller

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