Today’s Kindle deals include just a few titles, but one of them will also get you a free audiobook.
Westminster Books has some good deals this week, including a couple of important titles on suffering.
Diagnosing & Mortifying the Sin of Complaining
“The corruption of complaining is that it is a very sly assault and it is a frontal attack on the goodness of God. Complaining is a sin where the sinful heart of man rises up against God and draws the weapon and aims it at the goodness of His Person and at the wisdom of His plan and at the sovereignty of His rule. O may God deliver us from this monster of complaining!”
Why Bad Things Happen to Good People? (Video)
This is a solid answer to a common question.
Recognize An Idol Before It Rules Your Life
“What is an idol? How do you know if you are worshipping something as an idol?” This is a good look at the topic.
Life Lessons from the Laundry Room
There’s joy and beauty in the mundane, as long as we don’t consider ourselves too good for it.
Why Perpetual Motion Machines Never Work (Video)
“Perpetual motion machines — devices that can do work indefinitely without any external energy source — have captured many inventors’ imaginations because they could totally transform our relationship with energy. There’s just one problem: they don’t work. Why not? Netta Schramm describes the pitfalls of perpetual motion machines.”
Your Short-Term Trips Have Not Prepared You For Long-Term Missions
From Amy Medina: “This is not a post about the good or the bad of short-term missions (STM), or how to do them well. This is a post about the limits of STM trips as preparation for long-term missions.”
The Number One Reason Missionaries Go Home
Speaking of missions, here’s the number one reason missionaries head home.
Flashback: The Things You Think You Can Handle On Your Own
The things you pray about are the things you trust God to handle. The things you neglect to pray about are the things you trust you can handle on your own.