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A La Carte (June 15)

His Wife, Not His Mother

Melissa: “I know that many of you who are reading this are thinking that you wouldn’t treat your husband like a child if he didn’t act like one. I get that. I really do. But, as long as we are slipping into the role of being his mother instead of his wife, we are only perpetuating the cycle.”


It was a joy to see my friend Dorcas writing a great article for RAAN.

Know Your Flock

Jared Wilson explains why a pastor’s preaching depends upon actually knowing his flock.

Men for God

If you’re in or near Vancouver, I’d love to see you at the Men for God Conference next weekend.

Should I Finish School Before I Marry?

I appreciate John Piper’s handling of this question.

Southern Baptists and the Confederate Flag

Russell Moore writes about the Southern Baptist Convention voting yesterday to repudiate the display of the Confederate flag.

This Day in 1520. 496 years ago today, Leo X condemned Martin Luther on 41 of counts of heresy, branding him an enemy of the Roman Catholic Church. *

Orlando: The Reichstag Fire

This seems a little alarmist, but it’s certainly not out of the realm of possibility. Rod Dreher says “Orlando is a ‘Reichstag fire’ event, I predict, because it is a genuine and appalling atrocity that will lead to the demonization, in law and in custom, of orthodox Christians and any who disagree with whatever LGBTs and their allies want.”

The Engineering of a Disposable Diaper

I’m so glad that the Engineering Guy is back after a hiatus. In this video he tells why that simple disposable diaper we take for granted is actually an engineering marvel.

Flashback: So You Got Your First Smartphone…

Here’s a letter to a teen who just got her very first smartphone.


Legalism is simply separating the law of God from the person of God.

—Sinclair Ferguson

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