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A La Carte (June 12)

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The Child Preachers of Brazil – The New York Times has a long article on Brazil’s child preachers: “The youngest evangelists in the country’s Pentecostal churches try to balance the demands of their youth with those of their faith.”

The Secret Key – You’ve heard it all before: “Typically, as the story goes, the author/preacher struggled for years in living for Christ. He or she was an earnest, devoted follower of Jesus, but never seemed to make much progress in Christlikeness.” But then he/she found the secret key

No Compromise Radio – I was recently a guest on Mike Abendroth’s No Compromise Radio. You can listen to our conversation here if you’re interested.

12 Behind-the-Scenes Secrets of Airports – I spend a fair bit of time in airports, so I’m glad to know these things (even if most of them are pretty obvious).

Dinosaur Infographic – The Good Book Company has created an infographic to show how dinosaurs might fit into different understandings of the world’s origins.

Aftershock – The National Post has a sad update from Nepal in the wake of that devastating earthquake.

The Main Point – Here’s one take on tersely stating the main point of each of the Bible’s 66 books.


Where others see but the dawn coming over the hill, I see the soul of God shouting for joy.

—William Blake

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