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A La Carte (June 12)

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Success Is Dangerous – Jared Wilson: “It is perfectly normal for humans to prefer success to failure. You’d be a weirdo if you didn’t. And yet it is perfectly normal for humans to taint all their successes with the swelling of their big fat heads. You’d be a weirdo if you didn’t.”

How to Grow Spiritually – It’s far more straightforward than we sometimes think.

Vague Pastors – Here’s an important point from this article: “When you don’t preach on something, you are preaching on that thing. You are just saying what you think won’t be as controversial or the thing that won’t lose you your following.”

Is It AW-gus-teen Or aw-GUS-tin? – Christians have been battling this one for centuries. Can we finally lay it to rest? Probably not.

4 Changes Jesus Second Coming Produces – “There are 318 references to Jesus’ second coming in the New Testament—roughly 1 out of every 13 verses mentions it. … Here are four changes that the imminent return of Jesus should produce in us…”

9 Fascinating Facts About People Who Attend Megachurches – Just like the title says…


If we think we are usually good, then God is usually irrelevant.

—Ed Welch

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