The “Sacrament” of Suffering – Thabiti Anyabwile has some good thoughts on suffering.
Citizens – The band Citizens is giving away their album (which is really good) via NoiseTrade.
What Is a Scheme? – You’ve heard me speak of 20Schemes; this video explains what a scheme is and why they are important. (Interesting: 20Schemes is one of the few ministries I know that is actively recruiting full-time women’s ministry workers).
Books on the Book – Westminster Books has some good deals on some good books about the Good Book.
Colleges and Evangelicals Collide – “After this summer, the Bowdoin Christian Fellowship will no longer be recognized by the college. Already, the college has disabled the electronic key cards of the group’s longtime volunteer advisers.” The New York Times reports.
Why Was Judas Carrying the Moneybag? – “Jesus put a thief in charge of his moneybag. Has that ever struck you as odd?” No, not until I read the article. But I like the explanation.