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A La Carte (June 10)

A La Carte Collection cover image

A Day Late, A Dollar Short – Carl Trueman comments on Tony Campolo as he becomes the latest Christian leader to declare for gay marriage. (Al Mohler comments as well.)

The Fallen of World War II – This video brilliantly displays the scope of the devastation of World War II.

Augustine and Miracle Reports in Church History – Nathan Busenitz responds to questions about Augustine’s claims about miracles in the early church.

Update from Athens – Daniel Wallace is in Athens digitizing New Testament manuscripts. That may sound rather boring, but his update was actually quite fascinating.

New from Tim Keller – Westminster Books is offering a great deal on Tim Keller’s latest (for which I have heard near unanimous praise).

The Lost Sermons of Charles Spurgeon – Brandon Smith interviews Christian George about his discovery of some long-lost sermons by Charles Spurgeon.

Farewell to a Friend – You’ll enjoy reading Conrad Mbewe sweet farewell to a dear friend.

It is a good thing God chose me before I was born, because he surely would not have afterwards.

—C.H. Spurgeon


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