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A La Carte (June 10)

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God and the Gay Christian – Christopher Yuan on God and the Gay Christian: “Matthew Vines rehashes older gay-friendly arguments for a modern audience. But those arguments still don’t square with Scripture.”

Balancing Family and Ministry – Heath Lambert has some good thoughts on balancing family and ministry. While it’s targetted at pastors, it will be useful for everyone.

One for Your Kids – David Murray wrote a blog post for your kids.

War Gear Flows to Police Departments – Am I the only one who finds this a little bit concerning?

Father’s House or Business? – Bill Mounce writes about another Greek to English conundrum. I’m glad there are smart guys who figure out this stuff for us.

WWDC: iOS 2.0, the End of Silos – As a wannabe Apple nerd, I found this a helpful summary of what’s coming to the Apple world.


Teaching people to become like Jesus, outside of the power of Jesus, dishonors Jesus.

—Ed Stetzer

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