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A La Carte (June 1)

A La Carte Collection cover image

Being a Dad Who Leads – This month’s free audio book from Christian Audio is Being a Dad Who Leads by John MacArthur.

Who Are Leaders Accountable To? – “Leaders seeing themselves not as lords over those they lead, but as their servants who are therefore accountable to them is central to the nature of true and humble Christian leadership.” Amen!

Connected Fools – “The secret to preventing children from simply becoming another ‘connected fool’ isn’t by keeping them from connecting, but by instructing them in wisdom.”

The Problem with Personality Tests – Yes, indeed. “Everyone wants to believe that the mere possession of a particular personality type gives them some sort of privileged access to or claim upon reality, society, or set of skills.”

Jesus Isn’t Looking for Flashy – “Sometimes it crosses my mind–aren’t there more lofty callings I’m equipped for? What about the other gifts God has given me?”

A Pocket Guide to the Papacy – I enjoyed Chris Castaldo’s review of a new book titled A Christian’s Pocket Guide to the Papacy: Its Origin and Role in the 21st Century.

Just one more week and my graphic artist will return. When she returns so will the quote graphics.

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