The Perfect Family – That Greg Lucas guy can flat out write. “God in His sovereignty builds families. They are His work, His masterpiece, for His glory and our highest good. God makes a place for the destitute. He fathers them, defends them, rescues them—and He gives them to us for a family. What a lovely, messy, wonderful, disorganized, beautiful, loud, perfect group we are!”
A Company Liberals Could Love – Ross Douthat offers some important points about Hobby Lobby.
Evangelicals and Cities – I quite agree with Kevin DeYoung: “The evangelical advocacy for the city is a discussion in dire need of clarity.” If you’ve got some extra time, some of the comments are helpful as well.
Designer Babies – This is an interesting article about designer babies. Though it doesn’t look at the issue from a biblical perspective, it highlights some very legitimate concerns.
First Among Equals – What does it mean for one elder (or pastor) to be first among equals? Jonathan Leeman answers.
Exodus: Gods and Kings – “From acclaimed director Ridley Scott (Gladiator, Prometheus) comes the epic adventure ‘Exodus: Gods and Kings,’ the story of one man’s daring courage to take on the might of an empire.” It releases in December, I believe.