Put Your Phone Down – Exactly! “As a people we have lost the plot. Because we can document everything, we will, and we can’t stop.” So stop already!
Complete Cardiac Transplant – Don’t click this link if you’ve got a weak stomach! But if you can stomach it, well, marvel at the human body as you watch a complete cardiac transplant.
I am Ryland – This is a very important, very interesting article on a little girl who today might just be labeled transgender.
How Churches Became Cruise Ships – Here’s an interesting look at how churches somehow became just like cruise ships.
Can I Really Trust the Bible? – This is about the best book promo you’ll see. (You can buy the book here; the entire series is worth checking out.)
The Live Room Sessions – I’m kind of a fan of the band Needtobreathe and think their newest album is absolutely brilliant. If you like them, you’ll enjoy these Live Room sessions (which are being released one per week).
Engaging Cult Members – Here’s Greg Koukl with some sound counsel on engaging cult members (like Jehovah’s Witnesses or Mormons).