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A La Carte (July 6)


May the Lord be with you and bless you on this fine day.

A Short Treatise on Slavery

As he has preached his way through Ephesians, Barry has had to consider what the Bible says about slavery. Here are some of his reflections.

Prowling About

Patsy draws a comparison between a prowling cat in her yard and that prowling lion who seeks to devour us.

“Learn what authentic Christian ministry looks like, feels like, and sounds like.” —Sinclair Ferguson

Scottish theologian Thomas Boston’s warm spirituality makes his Complete Works essential to any Christian’s library. Read these newly reprinted gems to enrich your walk with Christ. (Sponsored Link)

Where Pastors Find Their Worth

Darryl has a word for pastors. “Pastors are tempted to get their identity and sense of worth from ministry success. If church goes well, and people approve of us, we feel good about ourselves. If church doesn’t go well, and people dislike us, we tend to feel like failures.”

How to Live for God Through the Fear of Failure

“What is success? And what is failure? Success may be defined as the fulfillment of a purpose or desire. We make a plan, the plan works, and we call that success. Failure as an experience is the opposite of success. We make a plan, the plan doesn’t work. We try something and it doesn’t work.”

What We Miss When We Skip the Book of Nehemiah

We know that every book of the Bible has its treasures, but can still sometimes excuse ourselves from reading some of them. This article explains what we miss when we skip over Nehemiah.

Good Advice for Living a Countercultural Life

Kevin DeYoung: “Most of us, when we think about our lives, we think about ourselves as the center of what’s going on. When you think about your life, you are the main character. You never think about your life as a supporting actor or actress in someone else’s story.”

Flashback: The Joy of Walking with God

Those who walk with God will never be left by him. God may withdraw a sense of his presence for a time to teach us to cry out for him, but he will never leave altogether or for too long.

Hell is avoidable. Praise God.

—Dane Ortlund

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