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A La Carte (July 6)

21 Thoughts on Preaching

Jared Wilson: “In no particular order, here are some reflections, musings, and bits of advice on the noble task of preaching the Word of God.”

Assisted Suicide: A Quadriplegic’s Perspective

Joni Eareckson Tada: “Culture is so easily influenced by the entertainment industry. This is why I am sounding an alarm about a very dangerous message in a film released this summer. The movie? Me Before You.”

A Pastor’s Take on Short Term Mission Teams

This all seems very reasonable and consistent with what I’ve heard missionaries tell me.

Thank God for Spiritual Grandfathers

Benjamin Vrbicek tells off a humorous blog post I wrote to make a serious point.

Calvinism and the Christian Life

Ligonier Ministries is marking John Calvin’s upcoming birthday by offering a free download of Calvinism and the Christian Life, a new 6-part teaching series by Ian Hamilton.

This Day in 1415. 601 years ago today, Jan Hus, Bohemian preacher and forerunner of Protestantism, was burned as a heretic in Constance, Germany. *

It Can Wait

“Patience is a virtue with which we should be familiar. It is a fruit of the Spirit and a character trait we often want others to display toward us. But have Christians so adopted the cultural demand for now that we are no longer seeking to live out the characteristic of a Spirit-filled life?”

The Day Sweden Switched Driving Directions

This is a fun little video that tells about the day Sweden changed from driving on the left to driving on the right.

Flashback: Controversy or Complacency

Here are two errors Christians can fall into: Controversy or complacency.


A profession of faith doesn’t justify anybody. It’s the possession of faith that justifies.

—R.C. Sproul

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