R.C. Sproul on the Same-Sex Marriage Ruling – R.C. Sproul has recorded some thoughts on the recent ruling on same-sex marriage.
Japan’s Suicide Rate – Here’s an interesting line from a sad article: “Japan has no history of Christianity…so here suicide is not a sin. In fact, some look at it as a way of taking responsibility.”
The Original Bohemian – Andrew Wilson writes about Jan Hus who was martyred 600 years ago today.
When to Baptize Believing Children – I found this quite a helpful distinction: “I think we Baptists should move away from the language of a ‘credible’ profession of faith when it comes to our children and teens, and instead speak in terms of a ‘mature’ profession of faith before baptizing.”
When the World Doesn’t Recognize Who You Are – Melissa draws an important and applicable lesson after spending some time at Disney World.
What If He’s Not Healthy? – This is one mom’s reflections on pregnancy and all that really matters.