Today’s Kindle deals include a pretty wide selection of titles to look at.
Logos users may want to take advantage of some of this months items on sale.
(Yesterday on the blog: Honestly Assessing Our Decision to Public School Our Kids)
Preach Like Keith Green Sang
Here are three things preachers of the gospel can learn from Keith Green. Also, listen to Keith Green from time to time. It will do your soul good.
It’s Our Prayer: Let’s Take it Back From Parliament.
“I know the call to have the prayer removed comes from less than friendly voices, but I think it’s a good opportunity to create a clearer distinction between the people of God and the secular nation, and demonstrate that something the church has held as precious down the centuries is not a play-thing, a trinket, a historical oddity for the nation that has no real intention of calling on the name of the LORD.”
The Art of a Massive Fireworks Show
I suppose this is a day late for Americans (and four days late for Canadians) but it’s interesting nonetheless.
The Pickup Truck’s Transformation From Humble Workhorse to Fancy Toy
How did the humble pickup become such a big deal? “From ‘rusty rattletraps’ to ‘big black jacked-up’ rides, the vehicles symbolize blue-collar identity while flaunting bourgeois prosperity.”
5 Things You Need to Believe About Jesus’ 2nd Coming
What do you need to know and believe about the second coming of Christ? This article answers that question.
Sensing That This Isn’t Fair
“Whether we are moms, CEOs, or in full-time Christian ministry we compare ourselves to one another. And, undoubtedly, we consider ourselves the harder worker, the better performer, the one who deserves a bit more.” That’s never the path to joy.
Like Mothers, Like Fathers, Like Children
Here’s something you may have never noticed before in 1 Thessalonians.
Flashback: Daddy Needs a Vacation
God did not apologize for resting on the seventh day of creation—the One who needed no rest took a day off to display a truth, to teach a lesson.