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A La Carte (July 5)

There isn’t much new by way of Kindle deals, but do check in if you’ve been offline for a couple of days.

Also, here’s a roundup of this month’s top deals from Logos.

Spurgeon’s Secret for Raising Godly Children

Here are thirteen quotes by Spurgeon about raising Godly children.

How the U.S. Government Will Survive Doomsday (Video)

You know, in case the day comes.

Don’t Skip Sunday School

“To judge the Sunday school book by its cover would be to make a grievous error. Just because one church down the road calls it ‘life groups’ or ‘connection groups’ and your church still refers to the Sunday morning gathering as ‘Sunday school’ doesn’t mean that your church is behind the times. Have you considered the many reasons why you should stop skipping Sunday school?”

Tabletalk Articles

Looking for some good reading? Here’s a selection of articles from the latest issue of Tabletalk.

The Dull Men’s Club (Video)

This is fantastic: A club for men (and women) with dull hobbies.

Don’t Just Tweet Your Proverbs

Jim Elliff is always worth reading. “I don’t quite understand it. Everyone knows that King Solomon was the wisest man in the Old Testament. Yet, he had the most precipitous moral freefall of all the kings.”

3 Ways Ministry Can Make You Conceited

How weak are we, that something as good as pastoral ministry cam make us conceited? Tim Keller explains the connection.

Flashback: Daddy Needs a Vacation

My children may need a vacation, but I need it more.

No chorus is too loud, no orchestra too large, no Psalm too lofty for the lauding of the Lord of hosts.

—C.H. Spurgeon

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