Happy Fourth of July to my American friends and family! 🇺🇸
Today’s Kindle deals include Glen Scrivener’s excellent The Air We Breathe. There are many other great options as well, like Trevin Wax’s annotated edition of Chesterton’s Orthodoxy.
Beginning today, 10ofThose is hosting a 4th of July sale. They’ve got lots of great books discounted from a variety of publishers.
(Yesterday on the blog: Trusting God in the Uncertainties of Life)
Leaning in to Difference: Zoomers and the Future of the Church
“There’s an interesting phenomenon underway among a younger cohort of Christians in the West today. And it’s this: Faced with a plethora of challenges; a growing secularism, a hardening against the gospel, a rejection of a biblical understanding of humanity and sexuality, Zoomers are leaning in. They’re steeling themselves and saying ‘Okay, if I’m going to believe this thing, then I’m going to go all in.’”
Good Sex Starts With the Heart
Scott Mehl: “One way to summarize God’s design for sex is to say that He created sex to be God-centered and other-focused. Ultimately, God created sex to teach us about Himself. In that way, sex is God-centered. But in order to learn and experience what God intends to reveal through sex, our engagement in it must not be self-focused but other-focused—that is, focused on the pleasure, joy, and fulfillment of our spouse.” (For more on this, read Mehl’s excellent book Redeeming Sex in Marriage.)
Political Ideology vs. Science
Keith Mathison writes about political ideology versus science. “At its root, the main problem with the ideologues is that they won’t accept the fact that reality is what it is regardless of what you or I think. The ideologues assert that each of us can effectively create our own reality regardless of what reality actually is. Each of us can be a god.”
Thou Shalt Not Catastrophize
Glenna Marshall confesses that she is prone to fret and catastrophize. However, she also explains how God has helped her grow in her faith. “While the Bible doesn’t say ‘Thou Shalt Not Catastrophize,’ it does tell us repeatedly not to be afraid. Fear batters our trust in God. Fear is the wave that tosses us around with instability. Fear is the desire to manipulate the future with annotated research and pantry stockpiles.”
The Sacrifices of a Wife
Jacob celebrates his wife and praises her for the sacrifices she has been willing to make. “The world would have her believe that these sacrifices are oppressive. That these sacrifices somehow make her ‘less than’. That following her dreams is the purpose of her existence and any obstacle that gets in the way of that should be removed. Absolute garbage.”
What Happens When We Trust God for the Next Step
Lois makes good use of the naval term “sailing under sealed orders.” “Sailing under sealed orders is no longer military theory to me; it’s become real life. And what I’m learning, as I go from one set of coordinates to another, is that God is faithful.”
Flashback: 5 Ways To Minister To Other Christians This Sunday
In every part of the life we share together as a church, we have the ability to minister the truth of God’s Word to others. Who in your church needs you to minister the word to them this Sunday?