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A La Carte (July 30)


Westminster Books has a great sale on the excellent God’s Word for You series of Bible study guides which are ideal for personal or group study.

(Yesterday on the blog: How To Respond to Social Media Enemies)

A Real Miracle in Prosperity Network

Wouldn’t this be amazing if it’s proven true over time? “In his most recent Sunday sermon (July 26), Todd White declared that God has been painfully pruning him; that he has been brought ‘trembling shaking [to] a new place of fear of the Lord.’ He said that he is ‘in school again” that he is ‘so convicted I can’t even tell you.’”

The Best Translation to use for (Public) Exegesis

This is a good look at the best translation to use for public exegesis.

What’s So Great About Total Depravity?

Richard Phillips: “I would offer three answers to this important question. For the doctrine of total depravity is not just something we learn so as to score high marks on some theology exam. Instead, total depravity is a doctrine to live by.”

It’s Alright To Just Be Pals

Stephen Kneale wonders if we really need to formalize everything. “They wanted to formalise something that, as far as I was concerned, didn’t need formalising. They wanted to stick a label on something – to make me seem far more important than I should be to them and them seem less significant than they were to me – that we were essentially already doing as mates.”

Thinking Theologically About Racial Tensions: Life Together in the Church

Here’s the final part of Kevin DeYoung’s series on racial tensions. He says, “I want to finish this series by offering a smattering of loosely connected suggestions related to race and racism. If there is an organizing theme, it is, as the title indicates, about life together in the church: how we can maintain the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace (Eph. 4:3) and grow into maturity together in Christ (vv. 13-16).”

How Do I Wait for God?

John Piper answers this one. Here’s his first bit of advice: “Before you make one peep of an effort to solve your own problem or hire a human agency, pray. Seek the counsel of God. What is his way to solve this problem and bring you out of trouble?”

Netflix’s “the Baby-sitters Club” Sells Transgenderism To Its Preteen/Teen Audience

You’ve probably already heard about this if you’re a parent, but if not, you should be wary of the new Babysitters Club show on Netflix.

Flashback: Why We Love the Amish

In a world where we are so completely dependent on our high-tech devices, the Amish somehow manage to survive without them, and even appear to thrive without them.

Love won’t guarantee the young people will never walk away from the church, but it will make it a lot harder.

—Kevin DeYoung

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