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A La Carte (July 30)


The listing of Kindle deals is on hiatus this week. Check back next week!

Uprising (Video)

Here’s a stunning video of flowers and insects and other beautiful creations.

Your Prosperity Is Too Small

Costi Hinn: “There is not a more blinding, arrogant, and myopically presumptuous belief system than the “prosperity gospel.” While it promises a long list of earthly treasures to those who will succumb to its lusts, it leaves its victims spiritually bankrupt.”

Lord, Spare Me from Success

Like this author, I believe the Lord has shown his kindness to me in withholding from me all kinds of the things I wanted. “I thanked God for sparing me from my dreams of greatness. In my mediocrity, he protected me. In allowing me to fail, he fathered me. In keeping me from success, he kept me for himself.”

Law or Love?

“Law or love? Let’s not fall prey to the notion that only one of these two is the correct starting place when Christians speak with unbelieving friends.”

Termite Architecture (Video)

BBC recently surfaced this old but amazing clip featuring David Attenborough and a lot of termites. What amazing little creatures they are!

What Does it Mean to Abide in Christ?

Is there anyone you’d rather have answer this than Sinclair Ferguson? Not likely!

The World’s Most Infectious Killer (Video)

What makes TB such a dangerous disease? This little video explains.

Flashback: Why We Love the Amish

They don’t allow external pressure to shape their deepest beliefs. With the modern world pressing in around them, they don’t only survive, but thrive.

That inner chamber, that solitary place, is Jesus’ schoolroom.

—Andrew Murray

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