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A La Carte (July 30)

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How Driscoll’s Is Hacking the Strawberry of the Future – I enjoyed this article on the art and science of growing the perfect strawberry. It’s mostly science, I suppose.

So Will His Righteousness – Your sin will eventually find you out, but so will Christ’s righteousness.

The Lost World of Adam and Eve – Steve Ham of Answers in Genesis has written a long and thorough response to John Walton’s The Lost World of Adam and Eve.

The Speechwriter – The New York Times did a review of a book I read recently and really enjoyed: The Speechwriter by Barton Swaim. It’s an inside look at working for South Carolina Governor Mark Sanford.

The Spanish Inquisition – Stephen Nichols offers a brief history of the infamous Spanish Inquisition.

Why Planned Parenthood Can’t Donate Tissue Harvested From Babies – I continue to pray that this situation serves as the tipping point in culture’s view of abortion.

The Tragedy of iTunes – I don’t have as much classical music as I’d like, but I completely agree with this author that Apple’s new music service is utterly appalling. And I say that as a committed Apple fanboy.


We are too prone to engrave our trials in marble and write our blessings in sand.

—C.H. Spurgeon

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