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A La Carte (July 30)

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The Next Chapter for Christian Publishing – Here’s one person’s take on the future of Christian publishing.

Moving In and Moving On – A couple of key highlights from this one: “As cohabitation has grown more common, cohabiting couples have become less likely to transition into marriage.” And “Cohabitation seems to be moving toward being a form of dating with no implications about a couple’s odds of marrying.”

Welcome to the Nuclear Command Bunker – NPR was given a relatively rare look inside a nuclear command bunker. “At its heart, this is what nuclear deterrence comes down to: two officers, 60 feet underground. Working, watching movies, and waiting.”

The Use and Abuse of Video Church – Rick Phillips explains why you ought to be physically present in a church instead of watching it via video.

Wisdom Is Content and Experience – There is more to wisdom than just blurting out a phrase from the Bible.

Axiety and Depression – “Though I wouldn’t wish anxiety or depression on anyone, I am strangely thankful for the unique way this affliction has led me, time and again, back into the rest of God.”

He Wears a Medal of Honor – This is the story of Sammy Davis, who received the Medal of Honor many years ago.


Tradition is the living faith of the dead; traditionalism is the dead faith of the living.

—Jaroslav Pelikan

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