Today’s Kindle deals include a few books that are worth a look.
Westminster Books is offering a deal on a new book called Sketches of Faith and, with it, some excellent church history books for kids.
Master Cleanse
This is a fascinating and insightful article on Robin DiAngelo’s White Fragility and women’s self-help. “Female self-loathing is still a major moneymaker, the only difference being that the relentless focus on women’s flaws has moved under the skin. Your problem areas are now your problematic areas; it’s your soul, not your cellulite, that needs smoothing.”
4 Reasons to Wear a Mask, Even if You Hate It
I appreciated this, but would like to add a fifth: To humble yourself. Masks are humbling and couldn’t we all use a little more humility? (In Toronto masks are mandatory in all indoor public spaces as of Tuesday, so we’re all getting used to them…)
Pastors on Social Media
Pastors and church leaders would do well to read Jonathan Leeman’s extended thoughts on how pastors should think about their use of social media.
Columns from Tabletalk Magazine, July 2020
There is a new issue of Tabletalk magazine available and many of the columns are available to read online. This month’s theme is the fourfold state of humanity.
While on the subject of new issues, you can also download find a new issue of Eikon, the journal of the Council on Biblical Manhood and Womanhood. It offers almost 200 pages of articles and reviews.
The Rip van Winkle Church of 2030
“Here we were talking for the past few years, and attending conferences on ‘2020 Vision’, but nobody saw 2030 coming around the corner, arms laden with all sorts of toxic packages and parcels ready to fall. We’ve skipped ahead ten years to 2030. And 2030 is a different story to 2020. More to the point, it’s a couple of chapters further on than 2020, and most of us, including the churches, are struggling trying to fill in the narrative from the missing chapters.”
A-boat Mercy
This is a sweet childhood story.
How to View Claims About Dreams and Visions
Costi Hinn suggests some ways to interpret claims about dreams and visions. “Some seek dreams, visions, and other mystical experiences constantly yet don’t even know their Bible. Others dismiss every supernatural claim and prefer rationalism at all costs; unwilling to even accept any possibility that supernatural experiences could either be demonic or that God could providentially use a very normal dream to move someone into realistic action once they wake up.”
Flashback: Act Your Age!
God expects that you will make growth in maturity a priority at every age and at every stage of life. While immaturity may offer the illusion of ease and comfort, it over-promises and under-delivers. It actually keeps you from doing what God means for you to do and being who God means for you to be.