Today’s Kindle deals include a collection from Crossway and a couple of other deals. Be sure to check the long list of deals from late last week as well.
Be sure to check out this month’s deals for Logos. They’ve got some great commentaries and resources on sale.
Private Confession and Rebuke
John Stott: “We have to confess and make restitution to those we have wronged, that they may forgive us; we have also to seek to bring to repentance those who have wronged us, that we may forgive them. This is a widely neglected duty. Most of us are as irresponsible as Cain in imagining that we are not our brother’s keeper.”
Money and Happiness
“Jack Ma, the founder and executive chairman of Alibaba, became the richest man in China after Alibaba IPO’d for a record $25 billion last September. But Ma was just as happy — perhaps even happier — when he was barely making any money right out of college.”
Altar of the Feels
“If you have kids of most any age, chances are that today they felt all the feels. And, if you are a mama of said children of any age, then I’m betting that today you, too, felt all the feels.” But what is to be made of all these feels?
Counting to a Billion (Video)
How long would it take to count to a million? How about a billion?
Why Did God Create?
Steve Lawson answers. “God was not inwardly lonely or personally empty; He was entirely self-satisfied, self-content, and self-contained. So God did not create because of some limitation within Himself. Instead…”
Explosive Data
“Fireworks injuries don’t only happen in July, but they are, unsurprisingly, far more common in that month versus the rest of the year.” Here’s the data. Be safe tomorrow.
Worshipping a Golden Calf on Sunday
“The hottest ‘worship war’ going is the one taking place daily in the sanctuary of our own hearts. But we must wage this war because none of us is a bystander to idol worship.”
Flashback: 4 Tips For Dealing With Procrastination
Here I offer you 2 big-picture tips and 2 very practical ones for dealing with procrastination. These are the very things that I have found so helpful in my own life.