May the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ be with you today.
This week at Westminster Books you’ll find a special on The Generosity Project, a new book from Tony Payne and Geoff Robson. Some related resources are on sale as well.
Stitch by Stitch
Andrea: “‘You knit me together in my mother’s womb,’ David marveled. ‘I have been fearfully and wonderfully made.’ I glance over at Ben, Down Syndrome evident in his features. Did God miss a few stitches? Or could it be part of a much larger, more beautiful pattern?”
Suffering Calculus
I appreciated Curtis Solomon’s perspective on suffering in this article. “Suffering calculus is the mental math we do when we analyze someone’s suffering and their reaction to it in relation to our own suffering or the suffering of other people. While suffering calculus is common to all of us, for those who have experienced trauma, it is a much harder equation to figure out.”
Tiyo Soga – The First Ordained Black South African
Simonetta Carr has written an excellent little biographical sketch of South Africa’s first ordained preacher, Tiyo Soga.
Help Someone Home to Heaven
Garrett Kell writes about the need for friendships as we live life and battle sin. “The path of faith must not be journeyed alone. Perseverance is a community project. God intends each of us to protect others from apostasy. We can be tempted, however, toward shallow relationships.”
God Doesn’t Need Us to Evangelise, but He Wants Us to Anyway
“The hyper-Calvinists are right that because God is sovereign, he doesn’t need us to save anyone. But they ignore the even more basic reality that the Lord nevertheless commands his people to share the gospel. They are right that he can save entirely without us, but they miss the fact that he has chosen to typically work through us.”
Does Your Sin Affect Others?
William Farley says, “Brothers and sisters, we need a sober evaluation of sin.” And that evaluation must include the social, not just personal, nature of sin.
Flashback: Do Not Grieve the Holy Spirit
We do well, then, to consider the magnitude of our offences against God that they could move him to such sorrow. Sins that bring disunity to the church also bring grief to the Holy Spirit.