Today’s Kindle deals include a wide selection, including a whole collection here that goes under the name Gospel-Centered Discipleship.
Westminster Books has R.C. Sproul’s books for children on sale. They are all excellent!
Dawkins’ Berkeley Delusion
Richard Dawkins was “deplatformed” from an event for being Islamophobic. Stephen McAlpine has a fitting and thought-provoking response.
No Time for Widows?
What would it say about our churches if we did not take the time to properly care for widows? After all, “Religion that is pure and undefiled before God, and the Father, is this: to visit orphans and widows in their affliction, and to keep oneself unstained from the world” (James 1:27).
How Medieval Chefs Tackled Meat-Free Days
“A riddle: When is a puffin not a puffin? The answer: When it’s a fish. The same applies for beavers’ tails, barnacle geese and tiny baby rabbits. All definitely, definitely fish. That is, if you’re a Medieval chef in Western Europe, and it’s a fast day, and you’re gearing up for yet another meal of almonds and salted cod.”
Freed From ISIS, Yazidi Women Return in ‘Severe Shock’
This article tells of some of the most tragic victims of war.
The Poison of Envy
I continue to insist that envy is one of the most-overlooked yet most dangerous sins in the world. This article treats it well.
A Year of “Chewbacca Mom” News Alerts
One person took the time to track a whole year of the infamous “Chewbacca Mom” in the news. It’s enough to make you wonder why on earth people pursue fleeting fame.
The Pastor as a Church Member
“That’s right. The pastor and his family are church members. Too many pastors have been crushed by the weight of a congregation unable see the sheep inside the under-shepherd. And too many congregations have been robbed by pastors who refuse to seem themselves as sheep.”
Flashback: What Gives God Pleasure
God’s desire unveils his pleasure: God loves to save the lost. This brings him great joy.