SCOTUS: Too Much and Too Little – Rosaria Butterfield: “I have no right to complain. The blood is on my hands. For a decade, I lived as a lesbian who advanced the cause of gay rights. The world we see today is the one I helped create.”
God Doesn’t Need My Kid To Beat the Odds – This is a powerful and comforting article: “It was so definitive, those conclusive words of the neurologist: ‘He will never walk or talk. In many ways he is incompatible with life.’”
Does The Bible Say Anything About Sleep Habits? – Nothing is more mundane than sleep, but few things have a deeper impact on life.
Tim Tebow, Reinvented – Sports fans may appreciate this article about Tim Tebow’s ongoing attempts to prove that he can be an NFL quarterback.
How to Launch a Nuclear Missile – Well, it’s a little bit melodramatic, but you’ll still enjoy seeing how to launch a nuclear missile.
The Only Bad Word Left – Melissa talks about the only bad word that’s left in our vocabulary.
A Call to Teenagers To Be Free – John Piper puts out the call to teenagers. “Be wise and strong and free from the slavery of culture-conformity. To put it another way, I am calling teenagers to a radical, wartime lifestyle.”