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A La Carte (July 27)

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Looking Away From Abortion – Ross Douthat has a good and powerful editorial on the situation surrounding Planned Parenthood.

Why Fireflies Glow – You know that they glow, but scientists are only just figuring out why they glow.

The Frequency of English Words – Here’s an interesting video that talks about one of my favorite things: words.

Don’t Pray About the Book of Mormon – Mormon missionaries often ask you to take the Book of Mormon and to pray about it. This article explains why you shouldn’t do that.

Don’t Blame Trump, Blame America – I usually try to avoid politics (and especially U.S. politics) but I think Canada’s Rex Murphy says a lot of insightful things in this article. He places Trump’s popularity in the middle of today’s cultural and ethical mess.

TGC Church Directory – The Gospel Coalition has a very helpful (and newly updated) directory of associated churches. It’s a great place to begin the search when you’re traveling or relocating.

We Will Not Bow – “Last Sunday night (July 19), John MacArthur addressed the church’s response to an American society that is growing increasingly hostile to biblical morality and the truth of the gospel.” You can read, listen, or watch as you see fit.


The ungodly are not half so restrained in their blasphemy as we are in our praise.

—C.H. Spurgeon

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