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A La Carte (July 26)


John Piper has a new book out and Westminster Books is already offering it at a good discount. This book describes the Christian life by looking at every imperative Jesus provided.

There is a pretty good collection of Kindle deals today.

Is It Fair for God to Judge Those Whom He Predestined?

“Is it fair that Jacob could be chosen over Esau before either was born (Rom. 9:11)? Is it fair that human works are not taken into account by God when he decides whom to save (Rom. 9:11)? Is it fair that people who suppose they have eternal salvation because of their ethnicity will face a rude awakening at the final judgment when they discover that God is not partial (Rom. 2:11) and adopts as his children all who come to him by grace alone through faith alone?”

Intergenerational Friendships In Church

This article explains the importance of friendships that span the generations.

What is Theology?

Since God is the object of our knowledge, the source of our wisdom, and the fountain of our everlasting happiness, what greater endeavor could the Christian ever pursue than theology? Join Matthew Barrett for free to study the foundational elements of Christian Theology through For The Church Institute at Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary and Spurgeon College. (Sponsored Link)

Christ Victorious (Lyric Video)

Here’s a nice new hymn from Kenwood Music.

Arranged In The Body With Purpose

“It’s one thing to understand that we are the body of Christ, and that we are each like different parts of that body. … But it’s another thing to know that, not only am I a part of the body of Christ, but I am a purposeful part of the body of Christ.”

The Basics — Jesus Our Prophet, Priest, and King

Kim Riddlebarger continues his series on the basics with a look at Christ’s three-fold office.

5 Questions to Ask When Missionaries Seek Support

Questions like these can be helpful as you consider building a support relationship with a missionary.

Flashback: God Created Family To Carry Out His Will

God created family to carry out his will—to fill the earth with people and to bring it under his dominion.

The purpose of confessing our sins is not to render us miserable by simply reminding us what great sinners we are. It is to remind us of what a great Savior we have.

—Iain Duguid

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