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A La Carte (July 26)


I spent a few minutes yesterday hunting for Kindle deals and found a few that may be of some interest.

Boris Johnson’s Challenge

Carl Trueman writes about Boris Johnson’s challenge(s) as he takes on his new role as Prime Minister.

100 Questions to Fuel Mentoring Relationships

If you’re involved in a mentoring relationship, you may appreciate these conversation-starters. “I developed a list of 100 questions that I’d love to ask an older woman. Some of the questions are autobiographical, others are advice-driven. We can learn a great deal from each other if, over time, we discover how we have lived, what God has done in our lives, and what we have learned.”

Challenging a ‘Dark Horse’: Christian Rappers’ Beat-Stealing Lawsuit Against Katy Perry Goes to Court

What a strange story. “The mainstream pop and Christian hip-hop (CHH) worlds collided again this month, as a five-year-old lawsuit claiming Katy Perry stole beats from a CHH song made it to court.”

6 Recent Archaeological Discoveries That Affirm Details in Scripture

“Each time an artifact related to the biblical narrative is unearthed in Israel or the surrounding lands of the Bible it becomes a witness to the perfection of God’s Word. And it happens all the time.”

Confessions Of A People Pleaser

I think many can identify with this. “At heart, I’m a people pleaser. Not the type that lets popular fashion dictate my wardrobe, or the opinion of my friends to tell me where I should go or what I should do, but nonetheless, I remain a people pleaser. What other people think of me matters, at least, it matters to me. Though I’ve spent most of my life trying not to fit a stereotype.”

Where Will the Media Take Us Next?

Seth Godin: “It’s becoming ever more clear that the attention-seeking, profit-driven media industrial complex drives our culture even more than it reports on it.”

The Curse of Cain: Travel Isn’t Everything We Make It Out to Be

I kind of feel like this article overthinks travel just a little, but I still enjoyed it and benefited from it. “It seems prudent to have a healthy skepticism about the individual and cultural costs of travel. At a minimum, if we do travel, we should travel with our eyes open, not as tourists but as pilgrims, collecting wisdom and not trinkets and souvenirs.”

Flashback: The Joel Osteen Sermon that Changed Oprah’s Life

This is a sermon Oprah Winfrey shared on her YouTube channel after saying, this one changed the way she see’s her life. And we’re going to see why, despite all of the praise, it is truly, truly terrible.

Unbelief will always contrast sin with God. Making it and not him glorious. Making it and not him worth living for. Making it and not him worth dying for.

—Jackie Hill Perry

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