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A La Carte (July 26)

A La Carte Friday 2

Good morning from over the Atlantic as I make the long journey home. As always, it was great to meet so many wonderful people along the way. And, also as always, it will be great to be home.

Westminster Books has a deal on a new book for kids if that’s of interest.

I added a few new Kindle deals today as well.

Therapy and Bug Men

Jake Meador expresses his concerns about the overuse of therapy.

How to Have Joy in Hard Times

This is a good reflection on the early verses of James 1. “This is not what we expect James to say. We expect him to say something like this: Count it all joy when God shows up in your life in miraculous ways. Count it all joy when life is clicking along just how you hoped it would. Count it all joy when heaven answers your prayers with a resounding ‘yes’.”

Shulamith Firestone Was a Prophet

Carl Trueman covers the massive influence and tragic death of Shulamith Firestone.

Can a Single Pastor Date in His Church?

John Piper is probably right when he says, “I think 95 percent of our listeners are not in this category of being a pastor (or almost a pastor) who would like help in finding a wife, but I’m betting 90 percent of them are not going to turn this off. They wonder, What is Pastor John going to say?”

Life from Barren Ground

“Much like this lone Sunflower, God is sowing something beautiful in you amidst the harshness and difficulties of your surroundings and circumstances. He may have planted you there, but he hasn’t abandoned you there. Instead of allowing you to remain hardened and lifeless, he has given you life in him, increasingly adorning you with his character, glory, and beauty in the least likely of places.”

2 Very Different Ways of Reading People We Disagree With

Bob Kellemen covers two very different ways of reading people we disagree with.

Flashback: Four Sources of Discord in Your Church

Every church is in danger of disruption and disunity when Christian turns on Christian or Christian turns away from Christian…Here, for your consideration, are four sources of disunity that may just exist in your church.

Spiritual dryness is the result of spiritual indolence. Be active, and you will not be unfruitful.

—Charles Ebert Orr

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