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A La Carte (July 25)


Good morning from Bangkok, Thailand, where I’m visiting friends for a day as I make my way from Australia to Seoul, South Korea.

Today’s Kindle deals include a couple of interesting books.

(Yesterday on the blog: In a Distant Land)

Five Illustrations to Better Understand Emotions

Kevin provides a few illustrations meant to help you better understand emotions.

What Are Some Dangers of Neglecting Church History?

“We have much to learn from our brothers and sisters in the faith from around the globe, but we also have much to learn from our brothers and sisters—faithful disciples—who’ve come before from two millennia of church history.”

What is Theology?

Since God is the object of our knowledge, the source of our wisdom, and the fountain of our everlasting happiness, what greater endeavor could the Christian ever pursue than theology? Join Matthew Barrett for free to study the foundational elements of Christian Theology through For The Church Institute at Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary and Spurgeon College. (Sponsored Link)

Christians Are Not Totally Depraved

“The phrase ‘total depravity’ refers to a person’s sinful condition outside of the mercy of Christ. So, after conversion, is a sinner still totally depraved?” Mitch Chase answers and clarifies.

What I’ve Learned from the Anglicans

This is a neat little series from 9Marks: What I’ve Learned from the Anglicans, What I’ve Learned from the Baptists, and What I’ve Learned from the Presbyterians.

The Days Are Long, But the Years Are Short

I enjoyed this “letter from grandpa.“

Being in the business of hanging out with our mates

I agree with this, though I think there are also times to formalize meetings. “It seems to me there is no reason not to just consider much of our pastoral ministry as the privilege of hanging out with our friends. Sometimes for serious and important reasons, sometimes just for the usual reasons you might ever want to keep up with a friend, and sometimes just for the sake of hanging out casually with people because they’re your friends.”

Flashback: Flowers Springing Up in the Rain

You and I are not too different from grass and flowers, for as God sees fit to have them grow through sun and rain, he sees fit to have us grow through joy and grief. As it is his will that they display their beauty through good weather and bad, it is his will that we display our beauty through easy times and difficult.

Be slow to believe an accusation against another! One false mouth can destroy the reputation won by a lifetime of worthy deeds!

—J.R. Miller

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