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A La Carte (July 25)


Grace and peace to you today.

Today’s Kindle deals include books by John Piper, Kevin DeYoung, and Wayne Grudem.

(Yesterday on the blog: I Shall Be Satisfied Then)

Let’s Talk About Bodies

This article speaks to an issue that confuses many people. “It can feel confusing to know how God wants us to think about our bodies. What is too much? What is too little? Are bodies spiritual or are bodies unspiritual?”

How “Above Reproach” Lay Elders Saved My Ministry

“A special elders’ meeting was called. This time, I, as the senior pastor, was the subject of concern.” Gary Kirst tells how godly elders may have saved his ministry.

Evading The Comparison Trap Among Servants

“As we serve the Lord within our local communities, we’ve experienced a time or two when we’d rather be someone else and possess their giftings or abilities: We’ve felt frustrated, discouraged, and envious. While we know and believe God has created each of us with our own set of talents, strengths, and passions, as an integral part of His body, why do we so easily linger on the service of others?”

My Hundred Homes

What does it mean when Jesus says “there is no one who has left house or brothers or sisters or mother or father or children or lands, for my sake and for the gospel, who will not receive a hundredfold now in this time…?”

Unction and Preaching

“Unction is a topic not often discussed in books on preaching and even less often in Reformed books.” I’m not sure that I agree with Wes Bredenhof’s take on unction, but I was glad to read it nonetheless.

FAQ: Is it Okay to Question the Bible?

Is it okay to question the Bible? It all depends on what you mean by the question.

Flashback: A Practical Guide to Culture

We speak of culture’s dangerous encroachment on the church, of our need to avoid it, engage it, or redeem it. But what is this culture thing anyway?

You’ve been tasked with sounding the call, not raising the dead. That’s God’s job.

—Will Dobbie

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