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A La Carte (July 25)


Logos users will want to use coupon code SAVE10JULY to get $10 off any order. Meanwhile, Westminster Books has 50% off 25 of their favorite books.

(Yesterday on the blog: Porn’s Ever-Evolving Verbs)

Where Do People Who Never Hear of Jesus Go When They Die?

You know the answer, I’m sure. But it’s still worth pondering.

When the Honeymoon is Over

Have you witnessed this? “A new believer ‘gets saved’ and is enamored with Jesus Christ. As time goes on, the new believer starts to learn more about his or her Savior by reading the Bible, going to church and sitting under preaching, and personally reading books or listening to talks they find online. Inevitably, a diligent Christian will find something in scripture which is directly oppositional to their life and philosophy. At this point, I think the reaction some Christians have is like that of the newlywed who has found a blemish on their spouse.”

If … Only They Would Read the Poem

Carl Trueman: “Postcolonial theory, for all its jargon, is built upon simplistic binaries: white versus black, male versus female, straight versus queer, the West versus the Rest. And it’s a zero-sum game: If somebody is poor or oppressed, then the culprit just has to be that person who is rich or free. Postcolonial critique can be culled from a Wikipedia entry, grasped in an instant, and deployed with ease through the medium of the moment: Twitter, with its truncation of all intelligent discourse.”

Leviticus in The New York Times: What’s the Real Story Here?

Dr. Mohler addresses a recent article in the New York Times. “Even in this secular age, the conscience of Western civilization continues to be haunted and shaped by the Bible. The inherited moral tradition of the West was explicitly formed by the Bible — both the Old and New Testaments — and the moral power of the Bible continues as the main source of the principles, intuitions, impulses, and vocabulary of modern times.”

The Doctrine of Existence

“This doctrine provides vital information for the scientist, the psychologist, the mathematician, the business executive, the educator, the physician, the politician, and the plumber. You either recognize it as true and humbly submit your life to its foundational implications, or you reject it as false and live in some form of rationality-denying delusion. What’s this doctrine I’m talking about? The doctrine of God’s existence.”

10 Things You Should Know about Christian Ethics

From Wayne Grudem: 10 things you should know about Christian ethics.

Every Christian Must be a Theologian

Jared Wilson: “Every Christian must be a theologian. In a variety of ways, I used to tell this to my church often. And the looks I got from some surprised souls are the evidence that I had not yet adequately communicated that the purposeful theological study of God by laypeople is important.”

Flashback: Working Well

Ultimately, you are not working to please your boss but to please Jesus. He cannot be fooled. His standards are higher. Not only that, but he is ultimately deserving of your best work at all times. Work in a way that you please him first.

Sin will not only be striving, acting, rebelling, troubling, disquieting, but if let alone, if not continually mortified, it will bring forth great, cursed, scandalous, soul-destroying sins.

—John Owen

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