Defending Tony Dungy’s Right to Have an Opinion – Ted Kluck: “As soon as I saw Tony Dungy’s recent quotes about the Michael Sam situation, saying that he wouldn’t have drafted Sam because he ‘wouldn’t want to deal with’ the baggage, I knew he would be publicly castigated. Dungy deviated from our culture’s de facto ‘Things That Are Acceptable to Say About Michael Sam’ talking points…”
Is Plan B an Abortifacient? – Is Plan B actually an abortifacient? This series of articles answers the question.
Other people’s pornography – Jeremy Walker highlights a growing concern.
Prioritizing Church Attendance – Yes! You will never regret prioritizing attending the gatherings of your church.
The Kind of Complaint That’s Pleasing to God – There is at least one time we can bring our complaints–or something like complaints–before God.
About Beauty – The beauty discussion continues on and on. Here are some good and level-headed points about beauty.