Dispatches from the Front – Westminster Books is offering a great deal on the newest Dispatches from the Front DVD. At $5, it’s pretty much a steal. We watched it with our whole family and loved it.
What We Talk About When We Talk About ‘Birth Control’ – Karen Swallow Prior: “I suspect one of the greatest obstacles to constructive dialogue on the questions about birth control raised by the Hobby Lobby case is the imprecision of the terms being discussed. Perhaps, then, the first step toward finding agreement—or at least correctly identifying at the points on which we can agree to disagree—is to employ common definitions.”
KJV Study Bible – This fall Reformation Heritage Books will be publishing a KJV Study Bible; judging by the list of contributors it will be excellent.
Credo Magazine – There is a new issue of Credo magazine available as a free download or online read.
What Makes Marriage So Hard? – Who knew marriage could be so hard? And painful? And beautiful.
Welcome to “The Matrix” – This article describes what happens at the FedEx sorting facility in Memphis every night when 140 planes land there. I found it fascinating!
Look at the Book – Here’s an early look at what John Piper hopes to accomplish through his new Look at the Book conferences.