Gavin Peacock’s Moment – CBMW is venturing into longform writing and they get it started well with this article.
9 Things Rich People Do Differently Every Day – Rich versus poor is not the world’s most important distinction, but I did find these 9 differences quite interesting.
Was Bonhoeffer Gay? – A recent biography of Bonhoeffer has focused on his sexuality and suggested he had same-sex attraction. Trevin Wax responds.
Why a Lustful Man Doesn’t Want a Woman – Denny Burk highlights a particularly brilliant quote from the particularly brilliant C.S. Lewis.
An Abandoned Dog – Here’s your feel-good video du jour.
The Dangers and Duty of Confessing Sin to One Another – Nicholas Batzig looks at the dangers and the duty of obeying the Bible’s command to confess your sins to one another.