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A La Carte (July 21)

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Textiquette for Teenagers – I guess we are all trying to figure out how best to lead our kids in this new world. Here are one dad’s thoughts on “textiquette.”

The Book of Numbers – Here, from The Bible Project, is a neat 6-minute overview of Numbers.

I am going to keep giving room for stories related to Planned Parenthood, mostly because this could be a real tipping-point in America’s relationship to an evil organization. Rosaria Butterfield says honestly, I Thought Planned Parenthood Protected Family Values. Also, Brit Hume has delivered a very powerful commentary on abortion.

Underwater Graveyard – For 70 years, World War II planes have been resting in peace at the bottom of the Pacific Ocean. Mashable has some some amazing photos.

The Sunday Worship Killer – “Donning the robes of the critic maims and kills many would-be worshipers in churches every single Sunday morning.”

Does Water Ever Expire? – Why does your bottle of water taste bad the day after you open it?


What will really save the lost world? Let me tell you: none of our complaints against it.

—Jared Wilson

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