Good morning from somewhere far out over the Pacific as I make my way from Canada to Australia to press on with my Worship Round the World journey. (We continue to fundraise for this project—give here if interested.)
There are several new Kindle deals you may wish to consider today.
(Yesterday on the blog: A Selection of New Songs for Christians)
Penal Substitution Evidences the Godness of God
This is quite a long article that shows how one pastor is attempting to overthrow penal substitutionary atonement. It also shows why that doctrine is made clear in Scripture, present throughout church history, and essential to the gospel.
A good movie gets smeared
It would be a good use of one of your free articles at World Magazine to read Bethel McGrew’s take on the smearing of Sound of Freedom.
“We Need to Tame Our Fingers”—Tim Challies
“In this excellent little book, Jeff Johnson teaches us how to master modern-day challenges through words of ancient wisdom. He dives into the Proverbs to teach us that the great challenge of our day is not first one of technology but one of character. He shows that if we are to serve God’s purpose through all these amazing new apps and devices, we will need to carefully and prayerfully tame our fingers.”—Tim Challies (Sponsored Link)
What Does It Mean That All of Creation Groans?
“Amid the shouting and rejoicing of the heavens and the earth, you can hear another sound. Creation groans. Why does it groan? How does it? And when, if ever, will creation’s groaning end?”
Ten Reasons the Old Testament Matters for Christians
Does the Old Testament really matter for Christians? This article explains why it does.
Help for Family Devotions
Are you thinking about beginning family devotions? Or perhaps trying to get back into the habit? This one by Growing Fathers may be helpful.
What Can the Metropolitan Tabernacle Teach Us About Women’s Ministry?
“You have likely heard of the ‘Prince of Preachers,’ Charles Spurgeon. He ministered at the Metropolitan Tabernacle in London during the second half of the nineteenth century. It’s less likely that you’ve heard of Lavinia Bartlett. She was a longstanding member and women’s ministry leader at the Tabernacle.”
Flashback: Seven Steps To a Good Breakup
Not every couple who begins dating ends up getting married. Neither should they. In fact, for a dating relationship to be healthy, there must be a way out. As Sam Andreades says, “If you are not able to end a dating relationship, you should never start one.”