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A La Carte (July 2)

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Down’s Syndrome – I love this father’s celebration of his daughter who has Down’s Syndrome.

The Apparent Paradox of Sanctification – John MacArthur writes about the apparent paradox of sanctification. “How do you overcome sin and live the Christian life? Is defeating sin something God does in you, or do you defeat it by obeying the commands of Scripture? In other words, is the Christian life an exercise in passive trust or active obedience?”

Hobby Lobby Hysteria – Gene Veith writes about the ridiculous hysteria (and outright lies) about the Hobby Lobby ruling.

Astro-Matic Baseball – If you are interested in baseball, you may enjoy this long look at the Astros and their plan to rebuild their team.

Leading a Worship Team Well – Jamie Brown reflects on a decade of leading a worship team.

Praying for Our Children’s Salvation – Joel Beeke writes very helpfully about praying for the salvation of our kids (Note: Baptists will have to do a bit of adaptation since Beeke writes from a paedo-baptist background.)


Don’t allow the Internet to become your congregation. YouTube is a horrible place to go to church.

—Albert Mohler

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