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A La Carte (July 19)


Crossway has begun a multi-year project to publish the complete works of John Owen. If you want to get the series, it may be best to keep up rather than wait until they are all published. To that end, Westminster Books is offering the initial volumes at a good discount.

In Defense of Libraries

I’m an advocate of e-books, but hopefully that doesn’t mean I can’t also be an advocate of libraries. (Are you allowed to read e-books in a library?) This is a great article written in defense of libraries.

The Goal of Scripture Memorization is Not Recitation

“In my experience as a child growing up in a small Baptist church, I was taught to memorize verses in order to recite them at competitions with other churches. Bible Drill was the program that taught me to memorize, but without an understanding of what I was memorizing, I left the practice of Scripture memory somewhere around the fourth grade. If the goal of memorizing Scripture was to recite it for others, I wasn’t interested.”

5 Questions to Ask Before You Post on Social Media

In Taming the Fingers, Pastor Jeff Johnson offers five practical questions that can help us cultivate heavenly wisdom in our use of social media: Am I controlled? Am I calm? Am I careful? Am I compassionate? Am I conscientious? (Sponsored Link)

Can I Share a Little Secret About Speaking at Conferences?

Rory Shiner shares a secret about speaking at conferences. He’s absolutely right in what he says, too.

Stop Calling Them Names

If you’re prone to use name-calling with theological opponents, Sam Emadi wants you to consider some passages that address our unhealthy culture in evangelicalism of pejorative labeling.

How Are We Being Saved Right Now?

We know that we have been saved, but in what sense are we being saved right now? John Piper addresses a common question here.

The Local Church We All Need

Lara d’Entremont: “About three or four years ago, my family changed our stance on baptism. As we studied Scripture, listened to those who knew more than us, and read many books on the subject, we stepped away from the view of believer’s baptism and embraced Presbyterian infant baptism. This change came slowly and with much humility, especially to us two adults who had scoffed at the doctrine for years. Yet with this change came complications, the major one being that the closest Presbyterian church was a three hour drive away.” She explains how her own local church was made especially and unexpectedly precious in this time.

Flashback: Scepters, Crowns, Thrones

If there are scepters in God’s invisible kingdom, they are not grasped in clenched fists but joyfully surrendered to the true king. If there are crowns in God’s invisible kingdom, they are worn only so they can be removed to be thrown at his feet.

Sanctification is about becoming in practice what we are in reality. Sanctification is really the process of us catching up with our justification.

—Matt Papa

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