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A La Carte (July 17)

This is going to be the sole A La Carte this week. I am on vacation for the next seven days and, as part of that, will not be doing all the daily reading and linking that’s part of A La Carte. They will resume, as normal, a week from today. However, I’ve got brand new articles queued up all through the week and hope you’ll enjoy those. I’ll be back online in a week!

Today’s Kindle deals include a few books from Crossway on the always-important subject of prayer.

12 Ways to Prevent Child Sexual Abuse

Deepak Reju: “If you pay any attention to the news, you are well aware that sexual offenders show up in churches, predators hunting defenseless prey, who do unspeakably horrible things to our children. Much of what is done could be prevented, but many churches are ignorant about how to protect their children and about how to respond when child sexual abuse happens at church.”

Iron Sharpens Iron

Last week I was a guest on the Iron Sharpens Iron radio program and it kind of turned into an open lines episode. Here it is if you’re interested.

Michael Bird’s “Say What” Quiz

This is a tough quiz!

Romans Quiz

This quiz is much, much easier. It’s just a handful of questions on the book of Romans.

When a Christian Leader Fails You

Because at some point one will.

A Satisfying Timelapse

This is kind of purposeless, I suppose, but still neat to see this time lapse of braces doing their work. Maybe I just find it encouraging since I’m currently paying for three sets of braces!

What Did It Mean to “Hit the Sawdust Trail”?

What an amazing thing to consider: “By 1901, the pro-baseball-player-turned-revivalist Billy Sunday was popular enough that construction of large wood tabernacles would begin to be constructed months in advance of his revival. They were large enough to hold up to 10 percent of a population in a smaller city, and up to 20,000 people in major cities.”

Flashback: When You Are A Hammer

When it comes to social media, we need to learn to use the hammer rather than be the hammer.

Better to have a small role in God’s history than to cast yourself as the lead in your own fiction.


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